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Restricted & Prohibited Businesses

Learn more about businesses prohibited from using WeTravel

Updated over a week ago

Any individual or business entity will be prohibited from using WeTravel’s platform if they are found to be associated with the below operations and/or operating from, or dealing/selling goods or services in, one of our outlined high-risk regions during the verification process.

Any individual or business entity will be prohibited from using WeTravel’s platform if they are found to have provided any false or misleading information or falsified, tampered documentation during the verification process.

WeTravel will issue any entity or individual found to be directly or indirectly associated with the restricted operations or regions listed below, or have provided any false or misleading information, falsified or tampered documentation, with Denial of Service during the verification process. This denial of service will be issued with immediate effect. The verification process will end. All access to the related account by the individual or entity will be removed. Any Denial of Service decision will be considered final by WeTravel and will not be changed.

WeTravel holds the right to issue a Denial of Service at any point in an individual’s or business entity’s dealings with the platform at its own discretion; this includes after an account has been approved to use WeTravel. WeTravel also holds the right not to provide details or information regarding any Denial of Service being issued to an individual or business entity at its own discretion. WeTravel will enter a process of account closure with the individual or business entity if there is a relation to the Prohibited Regions or Prohibited Operations listed below.

WeTravel continues to monitor each individual and business entity using the platform for any activity in the below Prohibited Regions or Prohibited Operations.

Prohibited Regions

We prohibit the use of WeTravel’s platform and its entire services from any entities or individual organizers dealing, engaging, or selling goods and services directly or indirectly in jurisdictions deemed by WeTravel as high risk. At this time, subject to updates at WeTravel’s discretion, these jurisdictions include Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Yemen and the Yemeni island of Socotra, and the Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk Regions.

We prohibit the use of WeTravel’s platform and its entire services in high-risk jurisdictions with individuals or entities named to a restricted person or party list of the United States of America, United Kingdom, European Union or United Nations, including the sanctions lists maintained by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control or the Denied Persons List or Entity List maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

We prohibit the use of WeTravel's platform and services from any entity or individual located in the Russian Federation.

Prohibited Operations

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly (a) engages in, encourages, promotes, or celebrates unlawful violence or physical/psychological harm to persons or property, or (b) engages in, encourages, promotes, or celebrates unlawful violence toward any group based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other immutable characteristic.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly engages in, encourages, promotes, or celebrates the recruitment, control, or exploitation of minors.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly works with pyramid schemes or multi-level marketing, network marketing, and referral marketing programs, including any businesses where sellers receive revenue both from selling and from signing up new sellers, including Travel Clubs.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly promotes ‘get rich quick’ schemes up to and including investment opportunities or other services that promise high rewards to mislead consumers; schemes that claim to offer high rewards for minimal effort or up-front work; sites that promise fast and easy money; businesses that use deceptive testimonials, use high-pressure upselling, and/or use fake testimonials; (with or without a written contract) offering unrealistic incentives/rewards as an inducement to purchase products or services but do not respond to any queries after the purchase.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly organizes big-game hunting, promotes big-game hunting experiences and or the exploitation of endangered animals throughout Africa, but also extends into activities or regions where there is exploitation of endangered animals.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly features luxury or exotic car hire.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly organizes trips featuring medical procedures in any form, that organizes the sale of any product(s) requiring a prescription, prescription-dispensing services, or their related activities, including trips featuring medical procedures, in any form, up to and including forms of therapy where the therapy includes the ingestion of legal or potentially illegal substances in any form.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly organizes trips featuring last-minute services and/or resellers, i.e., ticket sales.

  • Any individual or business entity that organizes in WeTravel sales of flight, rail, or other travel tickets for individuals or groups without any other trip features, i.e., no accommodation as part of the trip cost breakdown. This also includes the direct or indirect sale of short- or long-term travel insurance and any potentially related insurance cover.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly offers mortgage consulting, lending, credit repair, counseling services, and currency exchange services.

  • Any individual or business entity that directly or indirectly offers investment opportunities with no or low money down.

Additionally, WeTravel operates a zero-tolerance policy on any form of abuse, bullying, or harassment through any means or technology, including new or emerging, against any of our employees.

Disclaimer: WeTravel holds the right to at any time to update or amend the above list of Prohibited Regions or Prohibited Operations. The above Prohibited Regions or Prohibited Operations are not exhaustive; WeTravel reserves the right to update and edit this list at its own discretion. Public statements will not be made to advise when the list of Prohibited Regions, Prohibited Operations, or any other information on this page has been updated or edited.

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