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How to reinstate a booking?

Learn how to reinstate a booking that you have canceled.

Updated over a month ago

WeTravel does not have a reinstate booking button but you can sign up your client again with this simple process. You will just have to use a workaround involving the "Add Participant" function.

1. First, please edit the trip that your client is signed up for. Create a discount code for the exact amount per person your client has already paid. For that, go to "Edit Trip" - Pricing and save the code (please click here for more information on discount codes).

2. Go to "My Trips" and click "Manage Trip".

3. Click on "Add Participant" to sign your client up again.

4. Choose the number of packages, apply the discount code, and click "Continue".

5. You will now have to enter participant information. You can use the information from the canceled booking. Once the information is filled in, please click on Continue.

6. Choose the add-on options. Note that this step will only appear if the trip has add-on options available.

7. Here, choose "No payment made yet" and click on "Confirm Booking". If a payment plan has been set up they will be automatically enrolled. More info on the "Add Participant" function here.

Click on "Confirm Booking" and you have reinstated the booking. You will see the following message: "Participant successfully added". The balance due should be correct thanks to the discount code that you used. If there are any discrepancies in the balance due please feel free to use the Custom Price function to make any corrections.

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