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Discount / Promo Codes

Learn how to easily set discount/promo codes and coupons on WeTravel to give certain users a special price.

Updated over a month ago

Discount codes can be a good tool to drive sales and to incentivize your customers to buy early, for example by providing early bird discounts. Here is how:

1. Open the trip builder

When editing your trip, go to the last tab, "Settings." In the lower half, choose "Yes" for the question "Are you offering discount codes?"

2. Set the Discount Code details
Click on "Add Discount Code" and enter the details in the popup. 

Choose a code and whether the discount is a percentage of the price or a fixed amount.

Next, choose the limit on how many times the discount code can be used in total and click "Save Code". 

Discount codes will be applied to every participant within the booking, e.g. if you have set up a code of $100 and it's a 3-person-booking the total discount will be $300. 

3. Click "Publish"
When editing your WeTravel trip, you need to click "Publish" to make any changes go live. After adding your code, press "Publish" and the code will be available to your customers.

What it looks like to your customers: 

When a customer books a trip that has discount codes, there will be an additional field on the checkout pop-up labeled "Discount code". Please note that the discount will only be applied towards the balance due of the trip, the deposit amount will not be discounted. 

If you have a payment plan set up then the discount code will reduce the installments one by one starting from the final payment.

Pro Tip: use discount codes with caution 

Discount codes can be a great way to get participants to book early but they should be used with caution. Studies have shown that a discount code field in the checkout process can lead to lower conversions (i.e. fewer sales). It happens because clients leave your booking page and start googling in the hopes of finding a discount code. When not finding any codes, they become frustrated and won't return to complete their booking.

How to ensure that discount codes DO NOT have a negative effect: 

If you have discount codes that are available to all customers at some point in your sales process (such as EARLY BIRD), make sure that they are prominently mentioned in the description of your trip. In doing so, no customer will feel left out or start to search the Internet for discount codes. On the contrary, they will feel like they got a special deal and are likely to book right away because they are afraid that the deal might not last.

Disabling a discount code / Setting an end date 

WeTravel discount codes do not have an automatic end date. When your promotion is over, simply go back to "Edit Trip" → "Settings" and delete the discount code (remember to click on "Publish" after). This will not affect discounts extended to the clients who booked before the code was deleted.

Applying a discount after the initial booking

A discount code can only be applied when making the initial booking. Discount codes cannot be applied when paying for an installment or add-on at a later point. If a discount needs to be applied after the initial booking has been made, then please use the Custom Price function to lower the trip price.

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