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Which automatic emails are sent to you and your customers?
Which automatic emails are sent to you and your customers?

Learn how WeTravel reduces your administrative burden with automatic emails sent throughout the customer journey.

Updated this week

When using WeTravel, your customers receive automatic emails throughout their customer journey while you receive a copy in your inbox. Click here to learn how you can manage the automatic email notifications you receive from WeTravel.

All of the emails have your alias as the sender. Below, please find a list of emails sent to your customers and an example of the booking confirmation/receipt.

Booking a trip (with guest checkout):
Booking confirmation including your welcome message (copy sent to your inbox)

Booking a trip (with WeTravel account creation):
Booking confirmation including your welcome message (copy sent to your inbox)
Welcome to WeTravel email

Signing up to WeTravel:
Welcome email
Verify your WeTravel account email

Payment plan reminders:
7 days before the due date
3 days before the due date
On the day of the due date
"Late notice" 2 days after the due date
New payment plan was added (copy sent to your inbox)

Auto-billing related emails:

3 days before the payment will be charged

Successful payment receipt

Failed payment receipt

Payment receipts:
Installment payment receipt (copy sent to your inbox)
Balance due payment receipt (copy sent to your inbox)
Failed payment receipt (copy sent to your inbox)

Contribution payment receipt (copy sent to your inbox)
Person contributing gets the receipt too

Booking modifications:
Adding a payment plan (copy sent to your inbox)
Switching packages (copy sent to your inbox)
Setting a custom price (copy sent to your inbox)
Booking cancellation (copy sent to your inbox)
Full or partial refund initiated (copy sent to your inbox)

Confirmation of joining the waitlist (copy sent to your inbox)
Direct message to participant
Invitation to join the trip, when prompted by you

Esigned documents:

Confirmation of eSigned documents (copy will be sent to your inbox for the completed eSignature only if the document was not made mandatory in the trip builder)

Balance due reminder, when prompted by you
Missing information reminder, when prompted by you
Direct messages sent by you

After trip - reviews:
First review request - 2 days after the trip
Reminder review request - 9 days after the trip

Booking Confirmation Example

Payment Reminder Example

Custom Price email Example

Review Trip Example

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